Well Stats in PetroAI represents a summary table with 1 row per well and containing following columns

# pwi

PWI stands for Petro Well Identifier and refers to an internal unique identifier for a well.

# label

Well Label created for a well based on the format {Well Name} {Well Number} [{Well ID}]

# wellId

External Well Identifier like API14 or Aries PROPNUM

# county

County in the which the well is located

# state

State in the which the well is located

# basin

Basin in the which the well is located

# spudYear

Spud Year of the well with month of the year calculated as fraction

# firstProductionYear

First Production Year of the well with month of the year calculated as fraction

# operator

Operator for the Well

# interval

Landing interval of the well

# lateralLength

Lateral Length of the well

# perfLength

This is currently the same as Lateral Length

# completionYear

Completion Year of the well with month of the year calculated as fraction

# totalProppant

Total proppant pumped into the well during completions

# totalFluidPumped

Total fluid pumped into the well during completions

# orientation

Orientation of the well from the wellbore trajectory

# x

X coordinate of the surface location of well in terms of raw web mercator crs

# y

Y coordinate of the surface location of well in terms of raw web mercator crs

# surveyX_*

surveyX_0, surveyX_1, surveyX_2, surveyX_3, surveyX_4 are the five X coordinates of wellbore trajectory in terms of raw web mercator crs

# surveyY_*

surveyY_0, surveyY_1, surveyY_2, surveyY_3, surveyY_4 are the five Y coordinates of wellbore trajectory in terms of raw web mercator crs

# surveyTvdss_*

surveyTvdss_0, surveyTvdss_1, surveyTvdss_2, surveyTvdss_3, surveyTvdss_4 are the corresponding TVDSS values of wellbore trajectory for the 5 survey points mentioned above

# latitude

Latitude of the surface location of well in terms of wgs84 crs

# longitude

Longitude of the surface location of well in terms of wgs84 crs

# percentInZone

Relative fraction (between 0 and 1) indicating position of the well within it's landing interval from the formation top.

# numFracSiblings

Number of total Sibling Wells in the official Frac Hit Scenario

# numFracParents

Number of total Parent Wells in the official Frac Hit Scenario

# numFracChildren

Number of total Children Wells in the official Frac Hit Scenario

# numFracOffsets

Number of total Offset Wells in the official Frac Hit Scenario

# prod{Oil/Gas/Water}6mo

6 Month Oil/Gas/Water production for the well

# prod{Oil/Gas/Water}12mo

12 Month Oil/Gas/Water production for the well

# prod{Oil/Gas/Water}Ip

Initial (3 Month) Oil/Water/Gas production for the well

# eur{Oil/Gas/Water}

Estimated Ultimate Recovery (EUR) for Oil/Gas/Water stream from the official Forecast Scenario

# decline{Oil/Gas/Water}Qi

Qi (initial rate) for the Arps Decline Model fitted for this well for Oil/Gas/Water stream in the official Forecast Scenario

# decline{Oil/Gas/Water}B

b factor for the Arps Decline Model fitted for this well for Oil/Gas/Water stream in the official Forecast Scenario

# decline{Oil/Gas/Water}De

De (Decline) factor for the Arps Decline Model fitted for this well for Oil/Gas/Water stream in the official Forecast Scenario

# decline{Oil/Gas/Water}Dmin

Dmin (Minimum Decline - when switch hyperbolic to exponential happens) factor for the Arps Decline Model fitted for this well for Oil/Gas/Water stream in the official Forecast Scenario

# shMaxOrientation

Shmax (Maximum Horizontal Stress) Orientation (Angle) at the well location interpolated from the World Stress Map

# angleFromSHMax

Angle of the wellbore trajectory from the Shmax orientation

# distanceTop

Distance of the well to the interval on top

# distanceBtm

Distance of the well to the interval on bottom

# totalProppantByPerfLength

Total Proppant normalized by Perf Length

# totalFluidByPerfLength

Total Fluid Pumped normalized by Perf Length

# intervalThickness

Interval Thickness at the well location derived by adding the distanceTop + distanceBtm

# eur{Oil/Gas/Water}ByPerfLength

Oil/Gas/Water EUR normalized by Perf Length

# decline{Oil/Gas/Water}QiByPerfLength

Oil/Gas/Water Qi normalized by Perf Length

# hasSurvey

Does the well have survey data? TRUE/FALSE

# hasDecline

Does the well have an official decline coming from the official Forecast Scenario? TRUE/FALSE

# hasFracSummary

Does the well have an official Frac Summary coming from the official Frac Hit Scenario? TRUE/FALSE

# hasProduction

Does the well have production data? TRUE/FALSE

# {parent/sibling/frac}HorizDistanceMin

Minimum Horizontal Distance from all the parent/sibling/frac(parent + sibling + children hits) wells in the official Frac Hit Scenario. Only valid Frac Hits are used in this and all the following calculations, a valid frac hit is one that has an overlap of more than 30%.

# {parent/sibling/frac}VertDistanceMin

Minimum Vertical Distance from all the parent/sibling/frac(parent + sibling + children hits) wells in the official Frac Hit Scenario

# {parent/sibling/frac}DistanceMin

Minimum Horizontal Distance from all the parent/sibling/frac(parent + sibling + children hits) wells in the official Frac Hit Scenario

# {parent/sibling/frac}OverlapAvg

Average of the overlap with all parent/sibling/frac(parent + sibling + children hits) wells in the official Frac Hit Scenario.

# {parent/sibling/frac}DepletionDaysMin

Minimum Depletion duration from all the parent/sibling/frac(parent + sibling + children hits) wells in the official Frac Hit Scenario

# {parent/sibling/frac}DepletionDaysMax

Maximum Depletion duration from all the parent/sibling/frac(parent + sibling + children hits) wells in the official Frac Hit Scenario

# {parent/sibling/frac}Bounded

Fraction of total parent/sibling/frac(parent + sibling + children hits) wells bounding the current well. Bounding box of 200 ft on all sides is used for all bounded calculations

# {parent/sibling/frac}BoundedHoriz

Fraction of total parent/sibling/frac(parent + sibling + children hits) wells horizontally bounding the current well

# {parent/sibling/frac}BoundedTop

Fraction of total parent/sibling/frac(parent + sibling + children hits) wells bounding the current well from top

# {parent/sibling/frac}BoundedBelow

Fraction of total parent/sibling/frac(parent + sibling + children hits) wells bounding the current well from below

# {parent/sibling/frac}Count

Total parent/sibling/frac(parent + sibling + children hits) hits for the current well