# petropylib
This is a library that helps users interact with the Petro.ai API in python. The motivation behind this package is to allow for a petroclient and allow users to interact freely with against the Petro.ai API.
# Installation
Clone the package from the Petro.ai scripts repo (you will need to be prepared to enter Microsoft credentials):
git clone "https://ruths@dev.azure.com/ruths/public-projects/_git/petroPyLib"
cd petroPyLib
Or you can attempt to clone in Visual Studio Code
In PowerShell, CD into petropylib (the root folder) and type:
pip install .
# A Quick Example
## First we'll import the petroclient
from petropylib import petroclient
## Then we'll need the inputs to authenticate our petro-session
petrourl = 'petro-url/api'
ptoken = "petroai token"
petronId = 'petronId'
client = petroclient.PetroClient(petrourl, token = ptoken)
petrons = client.get_petrons(PID = petronId)
## Grab well forecast data
petronOfChoice = petrons[0]
wellOfChoice = petronOfChoice.wells[0]
wellOfChoiceForecastData = well.get_forecast_data(PID = petronId)
## Close the session