# Changelog
# 7.26.1 Release
September 9, 2021
- Added an action to create a Dynamo Scenario from a group.
- Added the ability to select offset wells on map in the Dynamo Scenario.
- Added economic inputs to Dynamo Scenario.
- Changed predictions to persist in Pad Design tab of Dynamo Scenario edit.
- Added hover tools to plots in the Pad Design tab of Dynamo Scenario edit.
- Updated the y axes of plots in the Pad Design tab of Dynamo Scenario edit, in order to show units and make them log scale.
- Added a model selector to the Pad Design tab of Dynamo Scenario edit, synching it with the one in the Model Validation tab.
- Moved the predict button above the inputs in the Pad Design tab of Dynamo Scenario edit.
- Changed Select a petron dialog to only allow the select-existing-petron option if the user has accessible petrons.
- Linked the x-axis for oil and gas rate/cum plots in Dynamo Scenario.
- Added hover tools to plots in the Model Validation tab of Dynmao Scenario edit.
- Updated the y axes of plots in the Model Validation tab of Dynmao Scenario edit, in order to show units and make them log scale.
- Moved the predict controls above the inputs in the Model Validation tab of Dynmao Scenario edit.
- Show info toast when user modifies an input in Dynamo Scenario edit, in order to prompt them to rerun the prediction.
- Changed the color of the Predict buttons in Dynamo Scenario edit, in order for the user to know when the prediction needs to be rerun.
- Added loader overlay to Dynamo Scenario edit, in order to block actions while a prediction is running.
- Added ability to view completion stages in Petro.ai Earth 3D.
- Combined orbit and inspect modes in Petro.ai Earth 3D to remove the need to switch modes.
- Updated the Petro.ai Earth 3D inspect hover tool to better show position in 3D space.
- Updated layout of Pad Design tab in Dynamo Scenario edit, in order to add a map and collapse the plots into tabs.
- Fixed 12mo ROI calculations in Pad Scenario Designer to be based of of discounted profit and discounted costs rather than discounted profit and undiscounted costs.
- Fixed 12-mo pad profit in Pad Scenario Designer to not include costs from wells before the pad start date.
- Fixed errant display of profit, cost, and revenue for wells with dates before the pad start date in Pad Scenario Designer economic results.
- Added Fixed Costs field to pad scenario to better approximate actual costs in a pad scenario.
- Added a layer to 2D map in Petro.ai Earth, in order to show official dynamo scenarios.
- Added display components to left panel of Petro.ai Earth, in order to show selected dynamo scenarios.
- Added toggle for dynamo scenarios layer to Petro.ai Earth, in order to control visibility.
- Added controls to Dynamo Scenario edit, in order to allow the user to edit name, is-official, and location.
- Added action for points to Petro.ai Earth, in order to create a Dynamo Scenario from a point on the map.
- Implemented Economics tab of Dynamio Scenario App edit.
- Fixed the predict call on Dynamo model validation page to use initial params.
- Added Dynamo Model application to view and edit Dynamo Models.
- Add MVP of Pad Design tab to the Dynamo Scenario App.
- Fixes performance issue caused when updating official frachit or forecast scenarios.
- Support using a surface location when creating a dynamo scenario.
- Fixed the bug causing Dynamo predict to not use initial params.
- Fixes bug that caused the tile update task to over report progress.
- Structure Grid names which contain spaces are now supported.
- Removed the custom shapes feature from Petro.ai Earth 2D.
- Added Working Interest (WI) field to pad scenario to view pad 12-mo profit after a working interest is applied.
- Adds cums to scenario-well-line view
- Well line view now has a uoms field that contains the uom for each series
# 7.0.1 Release
August 13, 2021
- Fixed bug that would draw the wells layer with corrupted line segments, in Petro.ai Earth.
- Changed left panel to show a placeholder for a selected well in Petro.ai Earth, in order to show something even when the info load fails.
- Added ability to upload multiple files up to a total size of 1GB to the Files app.
- Improved feedback of upload dialog with error messages and toasts when adding and uploading files.
- Created training task for Dynamo model.
- Added the ability to turn-off auto-fit for perf erosion model in Treating Pressure Prediction App.
- Added the default values for the Dynamo Scenario features.
- Added comments panel to Dynamo Scenario Editor application.
- Added action on selected Dynamo Scenarios to edit them.
- Changed the header text for Dynamo App to say "Dynamo Scenarios", while inside the app.
- Added action on selected wells to create a new Dynamo Scenario.
- Added ability to create Dynamo Scenarios from the Dynamo Scenario table.
- Added edit and action buttons to the Dynamo Scenarios table.
- Added table to Dynamo App, for displaying existing scenarios.
- Added edit page to Dynamo App, for creating scenarios.
- Added App Card for Dynamo App, in order for the user to navigate to the table of scenarios.
- Added Create Dynamo Scenario Task.
- Petron owner id now defaults to the createdBy user id if not initially set.
- Find forge queries now block on the initial load to avoid missing records.
- Added the ability to have well-level completion variables (lateral length, Proppant Pumped, Fluid Pumped and Angle from Shmax) in pad Scenario Designer App.
- Updated KPIs in EUR Impact tab of FH Scenario edit, in order to show Gas volume with the correct units.
- Added a Download Offset Wells button to the Time Series tab of Pad Scenario Designer edit, in order to download table data.
- Added classification columns to the FH Summary table in Frac Hit Scenario edit.
- Updated the label and hint for the threshold percentage in the Configure Settings modal of Frac Hit Scenario edit, in order to make it more generic and not specific to oil.
- Added uplift ratios and classfrac in well stat model.
- Added Boe6 uplift ratios in frac hit and frac well summary.
- Removed the Well Browser global app.
- Added a scatter plot to the EUR Impact tab of Frac Hit Scenario edit.
- Added an 'All' option for selecting generation orders in the Pad Scenario Designer app.
- Improved the input feedback when selecting generation orders in the Pad Scenario Designer app.
- Added a close button to the main menu left-side drawer.
- Changed inputs that are numeric to actual NumericInput components in Pad Scenario Designer edit, in order to guard against users entering invalid values.
- Fixed a bug in FetchWellStatsInRadius task to filter out virtual wells from results.
- Changed selection expanders to be icon-only toggleable in Petro.ai Earth, in order to make it easier to copy the header text.
- Fixed a bug at Well stats download to handle operator names with comma.
- Added decline images for Type curves.
- Introduced an useVirtuals options in Build Type Curve Task to produce type curves based on params only.
- Fixed a bug that caused the actions dialog in Petro.ai Earth to open and close slowly.
- Added EUR impact to Configure Settings dialog in Frac Hit Scenario edit.
- Added KPIs to the Frac Hit application EUR Impact page.
- Fixed a bug that caused Frac Hit application to not load for older Frac Hit Scenarios.
- Added hover tooltips for custom shapes to Petro.ai Earth.
- Added filters for custom shapes to Petro.ai Earth.
- Introduced a field called classFrac in frachit geometry and node.
- Frac hits in Petro.ai Earth 3D are now filtered out when their active or offset well is filtered from the filter panel.
- Renamed the Statistics tab of Frac Hit app to Spacing Stats to better reflect data shown.
- Added EUR Impact tab to the Frac Hit app to show the overall EUR impact in the frac hit scenario.
- Added custom shape actions to Petro.ai Earth 2D, in order for them to be edited or deleted.
- Changed the colors of selected custom shapes in Petro.ai Earth.
- Updated left sidebar in Petro.ai Earth, in order to show selected custom shapes.
- Fixed multiple bugs causing FH to hang.
- Added a dialog that will pop up after drawing a custom shape in Petro.ai Earth 2D, in order to prompt the user for name/description.
- Enabled the toggle for the visibility of the custom shapes layer in Petro.ai Earth 2D.
- Added Frac Hit polygon layer to Petro.ai Earth 2d to display official frac hits.
- Fixed a bug in Well Loader that showed incorrect count of new and existing well when the size of load is bigger than batch size (1000).
- Added a "Draw Shapes" mode to the toolbar in Petro.ai Earth 2D.
- Added the ability for the user to draw polygons on the surface of Petro.ai Earth 2D.
- Added a toggle for the visibility of the Custom Shapes layer, in Petro.ai Earth 2D.
- Introduced a custom earth feature that allows users to store arbitrary shapes.
- Added polygon geometry to the frac_hit_polygon layers.
- Added new tab to show Stress Shadow model diagnostics in Treating Pressure Prediction app.
- Removed the beta label from the Pad Scenario Designer application Time Series tab.
- Added frac_hit_polygons layer with metadata, but no polygon geometry for now.
- Fixed bug where newly loaded wells didn't appear on 2D map
- Newly loaded surveys are now automatically represented in Petro Earth
- Updated the probit plots to show the pad wells, in the Time Series tab of Pad Scenario Designer edit.
- Added BoundingBox input to GenerateEarthModelTilesTask.
- Added Rebuild and BoundingBox inputs to UpdateEarthModelTilesTask.
- Fixed bug where the generations checkbox row would not refresh its layout when the number of checkboxes changed, in Pad Scenario Designer edit.
- Synchronized the generations checkboxes in Pad Scenario Designer edit, across the Drainage/Stimulation tabs.
- Fixed Pad Info Panel spacing units display, in Petro.ai Earth.
- Added input for pressure drop due to stress shadow in Treating Pressure Prediction App.
- Added model for calculating pressure drop due to stress shadow in Treating pressure Prediction App.
- Edited text of profit/ROI KPIs in Pad Scenario Designer edit, in order to reflect that they display 12-month values.
- Fixed a bug by relinking crosshairs whenever generation plots are regenerated, in Pad Scenario Designer edit.
- Limited box plot whisker limits to actual data values, in Statistics tab of Frac Hit Scenario edit.
- Fixed bug where getting the offsets would break the build spinner in Pad Scenario Designer edit.
- Added EUR KPIs to Pad Scenario Designer edit.
- Added split-by options to probit plots in the Time Series tab of Pad Scenario Designer edit.
- Added the ability to generate monthly forecast data for individual wells in pad scenario designer.
- Added probit plots to the Time Series tab of Pad Scenario Designer edit.
- Fixes bug that caused official models to not update surfaces properly
- Bringing in Arps parameter prediction to Pad Scenario Designer App.
- Added a map of offset wells to the Time Series tab of Pad Scenario Designer edit.
- Changed "Enable Tile Debug" button to a toggle in Petro.ai Earth 3D, in order for it to also turn off debug mode.
- Added the ability to view generation specific drainage images in Pad Scenario Designer.
- Added a new Time Series tab to Pad Scenario Designer edit.
- Added well offset controls and a offset wells table to the Time Series tab of Pad Scenario Designer edit.
- Moved the production results panel inside the first three tabs of Pad Scenario Designer edit.
- Fixes bug when updating pump curve pressure models that caused tables to disappear
- Fixed bug that caused the jobs to not be listed in jobs manager
- Disabled the accidental well deletes when trying to edit the well attributes from table in Pad Scenario Designer.
- Added extras in GLTF comprising of source and datatype info.
- Filled in the Datatype for Surface meshes.
- Fixed the Econ KPI not getting updated when future pad start date set in the Pad Scenario Designer
- Changed layout of Pad Scenario Designer edit, moving the column of controls inside the applicable tabs.
- Synched the y axes between the Drainage and Generation Fracs tabs of Pad Scenario Designer edit.
- Fixed a bug that was incorrectly setting y-axis max value to 0 in Generation Fracs tab in Pad Scenario Designer.
- Fixes bug where a new well's stats object weren't assigned to a tile
- Fixed a bug that caused searches from the input dialog to not return results.
- Removed "Gun Barrel" tab from Pad Scenario Designer edit.
- Removed "Stimulation" tab from Pad Scenario Designer edit.
- Updated economic calculations to account for difference in well start dates in Pad Scenario Designer.
- Stress is correctly propagated across large areas
- Fixes bug that caused the Frac Hit Scenario app to not populate tables after building
- Fixed a bug that caused processed counts exceed total counts in Update Well stats task.
- Added stimulation image to Generation Fracs tab of Pad Scenario Designer edit.
- Added a checkbox to Generation Fracs tab of Pad Scenario Designer edit, in order to toggle view of the stimulation image.
- Changed the button tooltips to be consistent in the upper-right application header.
- Updated the Jobs button in the upper-right application header, using the same icon for both the stationary and rotation verions of it.
- Added interpolated stress at well head to the wells layer of Petro.ai Earth 2D.
- Added the generation drainage images to response to EstimatePadDrainage
- Moved Petro.ai Earth 3D menus from lower right menu to the central toolbar to better align with Petro.ai Earth 2D toolbar.
- Fixed box select, lasso select, and box zoom to work with touch, in Petro.ai Earth 2D.
- Added ability to comment on Pad Scenario Designs and see those comments on the Petron overview page as well as home page.
- Changed box zoom and box select to ignore very small selections in Petro.ai Earth 2D.
- Added a legend to the Stimulation and Generation Frac plots of the Pad Scenario Designer edit.
- Increased touch sensitivity to allow selection on Petro.ai Earth 2D easier.
- Fixed a bug that caused the well stress orientation to be off by 90 degrees.
- Added copy action to the Pad Scenario Designer table in order to quickly copy scenarios.
- Added back button to Pad Scenario Designer app to navigate back to the Pad Scenarios table.
# 6.46.0 Release
June 24, 2021
- Added global stress layer to Petro.ai Earth 2D.
- Added the save tool to each plot in Pad Scenario Designer edit.
- Added context menu support via long press on touch devices for Petro.ai Earth 2D.
- Fixed a bug that prevented selection from tapping on touch devices in Petro.ai Earth 2D.
- Added the ability to make Pad Scenario Designs from an action on FH Well Summary.
- Synchronized crosshairs between stress log plot and those to the right of it, in Pad Scenario Designer edit.
- Added action to create a pad from a Frac Hit Well Summary.
- Adding support for completion design variables, proppant/ft, fluid/ft and angle from Shmax in the pad scenario designer app.
- Changed the fork button in Pad Scenario Designer to say "Copy" instead.
- Changed the name of copied pad scenarios in Pad Scenario Designer, to default to "...Copy" rather than "...- Forked".
- Changed Copy in the Pad Scenario Designer to launch a tab, for editing the new pad scenario.
- Job side panel now shows scheduled jobs
- Reserved space for the loader in the Pad Scenario Designer, in order for the buttons to no longer shift over when it becomes visible.
- Added single click selection while in pan mode to Petro.ai Earth 2D.
- Added ability to add and remove items from selection in Petro.ai Earth 2D while in pad, box select, or lasso select by holding down
while making selection. - Fixed filtering bug in Petro.ai Earth 2D view, in order to hide all wells when everything is filtered out.
- Updated wellbore and surface tooltips for 3D view in Petro.ai Earth.
- Added a tooltips toggle and "Layer Visibility" menu to 3D view in Petro.ai Earth, in order to toggle display of tooltips.
- Added ability to select Pad Scenarios from Petro.ai Earth 2D.
- Added information panels for selected Pad Scenarios in Petro.ai Earth 2D.
- Fixed bug where well filters were inconsistently applied after the browser was refreshed.
- Added the ability to select from available Frac Geometry Models in the Pad Scenario Designer App.
- Fixed a bug that prevented surfaces from being colored correctly in Petro.ai Earth 3D.
- Fixed a bug that caused some hover tooltips to show an incorrect value of 0.5774 for wells in Petro.ai Earth 3D.
- Added the well start dates in Pad Scenario Designer. Now the well start dates are used to derive generation order.
- Fixed Predict and Train Endpoints for Webserver.
- Added Models endpoint for getting the list of Spice Models
- Added Publish endpoint for publishing the models
- Added PredictionImage endpoint for getting the prediction images.
- Added Create Endpoint for creating the data sets.
- Fixed a bug that caused well selection in Petro.ai Earth 3D microseismic points to work intermittently.
- Fixed a bug that showed filtered out wells as dark ghosted lines in Petro.ai Earth 3D microseismic.
- Added official Pad Scenarios layer to Petro.ai Earth 2D.
- Added well label tooltips to 2D surface features in Petro.ai Earth.
- Added a tooltips toggle to the "Layer Visibility" menu of 2D view in Petro.ai Earth, in order to toggle display of tooltips.
- Added Official Pad Design Layer as a GeoJson Layer, and the corresponding feature set.
- Added layers menu to Petro.ai Earth 2D toolbar with ability to toggle layer visibility on and off.
- Added admin menu to Petro.ai Earth 2D toolbar with button to clear the layer cache.
- Removed the clear layer cache action from the Petro.ai Earth 3D admin menu.
- Increased the size of icons in the Petro.ai Earth toolbars to make them easier to see.
- Added KPIs to the top of the Pad Scenario Designer edit page, in order to highlight statistical pad data.
- Removed the economic Results table from the Pad Scenario Designer edit page.
- Adding the ability to define sequencing of new wells in pad scenario designer.
- Added GetLayerNames task for getting all the layer names.
- Added the ability to filter out microseismic points with the well filter in Petro.ai Earth 3D.
- Added the ability to adjust the size of microseismic points in Petro.ai Earth 3D.
- Made changes to the data Load so that it accepts the same source field mapped to multiple data fields.
# 6.29.0 Release
June 10, 2021
- Updated Petro.ai Earth icon in the left side panel.
- Added the ability to declare a Pad Scenario as official.
- Added lasso select mode to Petro.ai Earth 2D.
- Fixed a bug that caused inconsistent selection of wells with completion stages in Petro.ai Earth 3D.
- Fixed a bug that caused microseismic points to be clipped when viewing in Petro.ai Earth 3D.
- Improved performance of Petro.ai Earth on lower end client machines.
- Added Productivity Model Diagnostics (Model Accuracy, Variable Importance and Partial Dependency Plots) to the Pad Scenario Designer App.
- Improved selection lag in Petro.ai Earth 2d.
- Added a minimap to the 3D view of Petro.ai Earth.
- Fixed layout of segment editor in SWF page, in order for it to be more responsive at small screen width.
- Fixed bug with display time zone in segment editor of SWF page.
- Added official indicator to the model edit page of the Pump Curve Pressure Model app.
- Added official flag and priority to the edit dialog for the model page of the Pump Curve Pressure Model app.
- Adjusted max zoom in Petro.ai Earth 3D to allow for zooming above the surface of the earth.
- Updated Petro.ai Earth 3D toolbar with icons for explore and inspect modes.
- Fixed bug that caused earth tiles to not be built when generating microseismic points.
- Changed petron selection dialogs to consistently show owned, favorited, and collaborating petrons as options.
- Changed in-zone checkbox to apply to histogram, spacing scatter plot, box plot, spacing KPI, and boundedness KPI in the Statistics tab of Frac Hit Scenario edit.
- Fixed a bug that prevented well stat update for null data items.
- Added official indicator to the project edit page of the Economic Development Project app.
- Added official flag and priority to the edit dialog for the edit page of the Economic Development Project app.
- Hooked up ItemList to have a row click launch the default action for DCAMs in Forecast Report edit, in order to make it more consistent with other apps.
- Fixed PATCH code to handle lists properly. This should fix both the comment edit bug as well as dock-edit bug, and possibly other undetected bug that involves PATCH.
- Improved auto mapping logic in Data Load Wizard to avoid duplicate mapping and increase column coverage.
- Changed styling of chips in column select MultiChoice components, which affects: Frac Hit Scenario Edit, Frac Hit Well Summary, Pump Curve Pressure Models, Forecast Statistics, and Well Production.
- Changed styling of "View 3D Pad" button in Frac Hit Well Summary view, in order to make it more consistent with other pages.
- Changed File Import Wizard Settings in order to stop it from mapping to columns that don't exist in the current file.
- Added the ability to edit well-names and well-locations in the Pad Scenario Designer App
- Changed the grids to show infinitely when zooming out in the Pad Scenario Designer App
- Fixed bug assigning null as wellId to the new wells in the Pad Scenario Designer App
- Fixed bug where duplicate default wellIds would occur when creating new wells in the Pad Scenario Designer App
- Updated Files to appear as Recent Work in the Petron Overview page.
- Changed the default action for files to navigate to the Files table.
# 6.16.4 Release
May 25, 2021
- Fixes bug that caused DCAM/FH well actions to be missing in 3D.
- Changed box selection to make it more responsive in Petro.ai Earth.
- Removed beta flag from Petro.ai Earth 2D mode.
- Added 2D projected surveys layer to Petro.ai Earth.
- Fixed a bug that prevented loading surveys with null lats and lngs.
- Fixed bug that required tools to be selected twice before they would take effect in Petro.ai Earth.
- Fixed bug that stopped toggling between "Explore" and "Inspect" modes in Petro.ai Earth.
- Added controls to toggle zone and configure the number of bins for the average spacing measure of the histogram in the Statistics tab of Frac Hit Scenario edit.
- Added latitude and longitude of point to the right click context menu of Petro.ai Earth.
- Fixed a bug that caused a spinner to show after clicking the actions button for selected wells in Petro.ai Earth.
- Added right click context menu to Petro.ai Earth 2D in order to allow creating new pad scenarios from the map.
- Updated pan cursor in Petro.ai Earth 2D to allow for more accurate placement of pad scenarios.
- Consistently updated output from Pad Scenario Designer to be 'Pad Scenario' throughout UI.
- Removed Copy to Clipboard action from the actions dialog as it is not longer used.
- Changed the tab name for Plus app to say "Plus".
- Changed well info overlay to wrap text in long cells in Petro Earth, in order to prevent horizontal scrollbars.
- Added a description for the app card of the Treating Pressure Prediction app, in order for it to appear as a tooltip in the app dropdown.
- Fixed hover tooltips to show the actual values plotted in the SWF page, for the Cum v Time and Rate v Cum tabs.
- Changed selections in histogram and box plot to propagate to other plots/tables in the Frac Hit Scenario edit page.
- Added DRV scatter plot to the Statistics tab of Frac Hit Scenario edit.
# 6.8.2 Release
May 18, 2021
- Fixed a bug in Pad Scenario Designer that miscounted well indices.
- Synched selection between map, summary table, scatter plot, and KPIs in the Frac Hit Scenario edit page.
- Changed support icon to be visible for all users--not just admins--in bottom left of Petro.ai.
- Fixed Frac Hit Scenario build, in order to properly capture EUR values for display in Frac Hit app.
- Increased the Petro.ai Earth max selection count from 500 to 5000.
- Added configurable box plot of average spacing to Statistics tab of Frac Hit Scenario edit.
- Changed wells with no defined interval to be displayed as "Unclassified", in the Frac Hit Scenario app.
- Configured well filter in Petro.ai Earth to filter wells from 2d and 3d.
- Added the ability for an environment admin to declare Pad Design, Economic Model and Design Wells as default design in the Pad Scenario Drainage App.
- Changed scatter plot to no longer show wells that are unbounded, in Statistics tab of Frac Hit Scenario edit.
- Added a smooth curve to better represent the Clay+TOC trend in the Pad Scenario Drainage App
- Updated the colors on stress plots for better visibility in the Pad Scenario Drainage App.
# 6.3.3 Release
May 12, 2021
- Changed boundedness KPI to count wells only in the same zone, in the Statistics tab of Frac Hit Scenario edit.
- Changed average spacing stats to only apply to wells in the same zone, in the Statistics tab of Frac Hit Scenario edit.
- Fixed a bug in FH Scenario that missed sibling relationship between wells completed closely in time.
- Fixed a bug in FH Scenario that used non mercator projection to plot the wells.
- Added new /api/users/profile and /api/users/{userId}/profile endpoints.
- Improved reliability when updating official well models.
- Fixed a bug where selected well actions in Petro.ai Earth for decline curve analysis models and frac hit well summaries had inconsistent counts.
- Fixed a bug in FH Scenario that overcounted sibling count.
- Combined Petro.ai Earth search and info panels into a single left panel for ease of use.
- Fixed a bug in the Production Viewer App for the x-axis labels of daily production.
- Updates to the Treating Pressure Prediction App
- Added a status messages to the indicating data load and model fitting.
- Turned off input parameter syncing through url. The model saving will be implemented in the future.
- Adding the ability to model Perf-Erosion. Auto-fits for every stage using pump curve data and can be edited using control points on the plot.
- Introduced proj4 input in frachit scenario options and use it in distance projections,
- Added logic to auto pick the CRS string based off the median latidue of wells in a Frac Hit Scenario
- Fixed a bug in Petro.ai Earth that kept the 3D tool panel open when switching to 2D.
- Swapped toolbar button positions in Petro.ai Earth 3D to better align with 2D.
- Fixed bug in Frac Hit App sibling calculation where completion date offset caused siblings to be incorrectly counted.
- Fixed Petro.ai Earth 2D map orientation to North to avoid disorientation.
- Added a scatter plot of nearest neighbor and variable y-axis to the Statistics tab in the Frac Hit Scenario edit.
- Fixed average spacing labels of histogram, in the Statistics tab in the Frac Hit Scenario edit.
- Rounded mean spacing KPI, in the Statistics tab in the Frac Hit Scenario edit.
- Changed algorithm to handle case with no well intervals, to treat all wells as being in the same interval, in the Statistics Tab of the Frac Hit Scenario edit.
- Removed the "from
" part of the subject in the request email from Plus. - Changed the description area to be a fixed height in the service cards of Plus.
- Added KPI boxes to Statistics tab of Frac Hit Scenario Edit, in order to highlight key statistics.
- Added box zoom mode to Petro.ai Earth 2D.
- Added pan and box select modes to Petro.ai Earth 2d toolbar allowing users to set their mode more intuitively.
- Added Redis integration as a first step toward multinode job processing.
# 5.47.5 Release
May 4, 2021
- Introduced EarthFeature data collection
- Significant updates to Petro.ai Earth:
- Added 2d map mode to Petro.ai Earth.
- Allowed for the selection of more than 25 wells in Petro.ai Earth 2D up to a max of 500. To compare details of wells in Petro.ai Earth select 5 or fewer wells.
- Limited the number of selected wells in Petro.ai Earth that will be saved in the URL to 5.
- Moved 2d/3d mode selection to central toolbar in Petro.ai Earth to make switching modes easier.
- Removed deselection action from 2d and 3d when clicking off of a well to prevent unintended deselection. Use the 'x' located in upper right to clear selection.
- Changed cursor to crosshair when selecting wells in Petro.ai Earth 2d mode.
- Updated size of selected wells in Petro.ai Earth 2d and 3d to make them easier to see.
- Fixed a bug that prevented Petro.ai Earth from navigating to a well after searching.
- Added pan and box select modes to Petro.ai Earth 2d toolbar allowing users to set their mode more intuitively.
- Create new app: Petro.ai+ that allows users to browser services offered by Petro.ai:
- Added global app card for Petro.ai+, in order to make it visible to the user.
- Added icon to left sidebar main menu items, in order to be able to launch Petro.ai+ from anywhere in the app.
- Changed 'Submit Request' button, in Petro.ai+ app, in order to launch an email to sales.
- Added the services modal in the Petro.ai+ app, in order to show more information about each service.
- Minor fixes to layout of Services dialog, in Plus app, in order to standardize whitespace and handle multi-line bullet points.
- Added arrows to carousel of Services dialog, in Plus app, in order to allow a second way to navigate the carousel.
- Changed the Plus app to have the consistent title of "Plus" everywhere.
- Fixed a bug that prevented re-build of incompletely built models from previous runs. This effected multiple apps, including Frac Hit and Forecast Scenarios.
- Added an on-boot trigger for setting incomplete built models re-buildable.
- Fixed a bug that under counted sibling for offset wells.
- Fixed a bug in Directional Survey Load Task that prevented surveys to load properly without inclination values which is not a required field.
- Removed surveyId from the list of job parameters in the mapping, as it should not be a user supplied field.
- Got rid of the file list returned in api/data/stats
- Added functionality to Pad Scenario Designer App:
- Added the ability to Fork an existing scenario
- Added download of economic results to CSV
- Pad profit and ROI are now visible at all times.
- Added a "Delete" button to the Pad Scenario table in order to allow the user to delete scenarios and associated data.
- Fixed selection in Pad Scenario table, in order to disable the Edit button when there isn't a single selection.
- Saves are now except dirty pad drainage that needs to be re-estimated
- Double-clicking on the drainage charts exposes well labels
- Updated bokeh implementations in order to use a common Petro.ai color palette. This affects: Treating Pressure Prediction, Frac Hit Scenarios, Frac Geometry, Pump Curve Pressure Models, Forecast Scenarios, Reservoir Stress, Flow Regime, Forecast Statistics, Completions, Well Production, Well Log, Forecast Reports, Type Curves, and Economics.
- Fixed selection in Type Curve table, in order to disable the Edit button when there isn't a single selection.
- Fixed selection in Forecast Scenario table, in order to disable the Edit button when there isn't a single selection.
- Fixed selection in Economics table, in order to disable the Edit button when there isn't a single selection.
- Moved post-load group creation logic from the trigger to loadwells task
- Added "Statistics" tab to Frac Hit Scenario edit visualizations in order to later show statistics.
- Added a histogram of average spacing to the Statistics Tab in order to be displayed in the Frac Hit Scenario edit page.
- Added update write mode option for Well Loads.
# 5.35.3 Release
April 20, 2021
- Fixed a mapping mismatch bug in Data Load Wizard that effected the import of files that had already been imported once.
- Introducing the Pad Drainage Scenario Designer
- Changing the existing well's location now sets the scenario status as dirty indicating a need for re-estimating the pad drainage.
- Added indicator for when estimate pad drainage task is running.
- Tops lines are now drawn correctly to the extent of drainage/stimulation images.
- Added Hover Tooltips with well info.
- Added the ability to save scenario state.
- Made the app a petron-level app.
- Fixed the user filters to display lists of names, rather than user IDs. This applies to the following pages: Group Items Table, Pump Curve Pressure Model Edit, Forecast Scenario Edit.
- Added a "new records" count for well header imports to the records/confirm steps, in the File Import Wizard, in order to show the number of records to be created.
- Restyled the modal titles for the steps in the File Import Wizard.
# 5.31.5 Release
April 14, 2021
- Updated the File Import Wizard in order to show bold text at top of each step.
- Restyled the modal titles for the steps in the File Import Wizard.
- Created a new step for the (optional) well group creation, in the File Import Wizard.
- Created a new complete step, in the File Import Wizard, in order to notify the user that the import has started.
- Removed the initialization as a separate, from the File Import Wizard, in order to stop the flash when it is first launched.
- Made cosmetic changes to the File Import Wizard: button colors; titles text.
- Added required flag to several fields (wells: wellId, name, wellNumber, surfaceLoc lat and long, MonthlyProduction: wellId, prodDate, Directional Surveys: WellId, MD, TVDSS, Lat, Long) for Well and Directional survey loads
- Added global app for Pad Scenario Designer as a placeholder.
- Changed how reported-type notifications are shown in the user's social menu (right panel), in order to show a ringing bell for group-created and future such notifications.
- Added skipExisting option in well loader
- Marked required fields with an asterisk in File Import wizard modal step #2, in order to encourage the user to map them.
- Replaced "column matching" and "location" accordions with "Required Columns" and "Optional Columns" in File Import wizard modal step #2.
- Moved "Options" accordion to the bottom in File Import wizard modal step #2.
- Updated labels in File Import wizard modal step #2.
- Added dryRun and load stats for Well Loader
- Added the Well Log Viewer with 2 tracks/well, ability to add up to 4 curves/track and build crossplots.
- Fixed batch settings modal, in the Type Curve Generator page, to only update the type curve if something was actually modified in the dialog.
- Added ability to filter out surfaces by name in Petro.ai Earth.
- Changed the Petro.ai Earth filter panel to display in a dark mode, in order to be look more consistent with the rest of the app.
- In the Flow Regime app, added forecast scenario id to forecast scenario selector options. This is to prevent issues caused by duplicate forecast scenario names.
- In the Flow Regime app, fixed a bug that prevents page from being loaded when using an empty forecast scenario.
- Added double derivative series and y axis to the ISIP pick plot at the bottom of the ISIP editor to inform user of how the ISIP was auto picked.
- Muted adjusted treating pressure and proppant concentration, by default, in ISIP pick plot at the bottom of the ISIP editor.
- Added option to create a group when importing wells in the File Import Wizard.
- Sorted column options alphabetically in column mapping step of the File Import wizard.
- Fixed several bugs in Aries Import Tool to load models with time cutoff (previously only supported rate cutoff), support latest file client, and handle ratio streams to life as fixed segments
- Moved "By Geo" tab and charts to the pump curve pressure model overview page from the pump curve pressure model gradient page.
- Removed gradient button and associated page from the pump curve pressure model overview page as it is no longer needed.
- Disabled columns that are already mapped in the column mapping step of the File Import wizard.
- Added
field in themapping
response ofGetDataLoadWizardOptionsTask
task. - Fixed the large 3D well view in the Frac Hit app, which is launched from the "View 3D Pad" button in the Frac Hit Well Summary Page.
- Populating the daily production summaries during daily prod load.
- Moved "By Pad" tab and charts to the pump curve pressure model overview page from the pump curve pressure model gradient page.
- Removed purple next and previous arrows from single well forecast and pump curve pressure model items edit pages in favor of next and previous buttons found in the footer.
- Added next and previous buttons to Single Well Forecast page footer to simplify workflow.
# 5.25.0 Release
April 6, 2021
- In the Flow Regime app, added forecast scenario id to forecast scenario selector options. This is to prevent issues caused by duplicate forecast scenario names.
- In the Flow Regime app, fixed a bug that prevents page from being loaded when using an empty forecast scenario.
- Added double derivative series and y axis to the ISIP pick plot at the bottom of the ISIP editor to inform user of how the ISIP was auto picked.
- Muted adjusted treating pressure and proppant concentration, by default, in ISIP pick plot at the bottom of the ISIP editor.
- Added option to create a group when importing wells in the File Import Wizard.
- Fixed several bugs in Aries Import Tool to load models with time cutoff (previously only supported rate cutoff), support latest file client, and handle ratio streams to life as fixed segments`
- Moved "By Geo" tab and charts to the pump curve pressure model overview page from the pump curve pressure model gradient page.
- Removed gradient button and associated page from the pump curve pressure model overview page as it is no longer needed.
- Disabled columns that are already mapped in the column mapping step of the File Import wizard.
- Added
field in themapping
response ofGetDataLoadWizardOptionsTask
task. - Fixed the large 3D well view in the Frac Hit app, which is launched from the "View 3D Pad" button in the Frac Hit Well Summary Page.
- Populating the daily production summaries during daily prod load.
- Moved "By Pad" tab and charts to the pump curve pressure model overview page from the pump curve pressure model gradient page.
- Removed purple next and previous arrows from single well forecast and pump curve pressure model items edit pages in favor of next and previous buttons found in the footer.
- UpdateEarthModelTilesTask now accepts a list of quadTreeIds to update
- Added next and previous buttons to Single Well Forecast page footer to simplify workflow.
- Added the ability to download production summary, monthly and daily production in Production Viewer.
- Added the ability to select columns for production summary table in Production Viewer.
- Moved "Over Time" tab and charts to the pump curve pressure model overview page from the pump curve pressure model gradient page.
- Adding a Task
for computing the derivatives used to compute ISIP. - Moved Along Wellbore tab and charts to the pump curve pressure model overview page from the pump curve pressure model gradient page.
- Colored ISIP along wellbore chart by well name in pump curve pressure model overview page to easily distinguish between wells.
# 5.20.5 Release
March 30, 2021
- Added the ability to download production summary, monthly and daily production in Production Viewer.
- Added the ability to select columns for production summary table in Production Viewer.
- Changed ISIP Editor in cases where the data is loaded, but there's nothing to plot. Hide the spinner and show a message in the Pump Curve Pressure Model app.
- Fixed a bug where values were shown in inspect tooltip in Petro.ai Earth when there was no color by selected.
- Added "Edit FH Well Summary" and "View Gunbarrel Image" as recommended actions, in the Actions Dialog whenever a FH well summary is selected.
- Removed double title from Gun Barrel images, in Frac Hit app.
- Added next/previous buttons to the sidebar footer, in the ISIP Editor of the Pump Curve Pressure Model app, for navigation between ISIPs.
- Changed to "Building..." spinner to appear as a grey circle when the page is not building. Affects the following pages: Frac Hit Scenario edit, Economic Project edit, Forecast Report edit, Frac Geometry Model edit, Frac Geometry Item edit, and Reservoir Stress Profile edit.
- Added "Building..." spinner to Pump Curve Pressure Model overview page.
- Added the ability to select multiple wells in Production Viewer.
- Added the ability to make groups from selected wells in Production Viewer.
- Added color by well to pump curve pressure model plots to better distinguish data.
- Limited ISIP low, hi and value fields to 2 significant digits.
- Setting the default values to NaN for most frac hits and decline related well stats.
- Fixed a hidden bug that prevented well stat job to run with less than 10 wells
- Fixed bug that caused deletes to not get cleaned up properly.
- Fixed a bug that caused frac hit scenario map to tile and become unresponsive when a frac hit scenario had wells with no surveys.
- Removed view button from "Total Selected Wells" component, in Frac Hit Well Summary page.
- Changed the "Total Selected Wells" component so clicking a row will navigate to the summary for that well, in Frac Hit Well Summary page.
- Fixed zero values for wellbore colors when the data is missing.
- Fixed FH Well Summary page so it will still load even if any of the xyz range data is missing for the well.
- Fixed sort of interval column of well summary bokeh table, in Frac Hit overview, to handle missing values.
- Added Daily Production to the Production Viewer.
- Added option for appending records in Daily Production Loader
- Changed x-axis formatting of the plots in ISIP Editor, to include minutes/seconds.
- Remove icon and text from confirm button in the "Add Collaborators" dialog.
- Changed styling of confirm button in the "Add Collaborators" dialog.
- Renamed the Pump Curve Pressure Model page to ISIP Editor to better reflect page contents.
- Added return to model and action button to the header of the ISIP Editor page.
- Removed unused buffer input from ISIP Editor as it was unused.
- Consolidated settings for ISIP Editor into a collapsible section to make left panel easier to navigate.
- Stopped creating output group for Build Forecast Scenario task
- Changed search to happen as the user types, in the "Add Inputs" modal.
- Added label to top x-axis of pressure-tvd plot, in Pump Curve Pressure Model overview.
- Added more default columns to table in Pump Curve Pressure Model overview.
- Removed the I'm feeling lucky button from pump curve pressure model item page as it is no longer needed.
- Updated actions for pump curve pressure model edit to allow for multiple pump curve pressure model items to be selected and edited in a batch (limited to 200 items).
- Added dropdown navigation to the pump curve pressure model item editor to allow users to quickly switch between items in a pump curve pressure model.
- Added action to the pump curve pressure model to allow all pump curve pressure model items to be edited.
- Updated URL for pump curve pressure model item editor to allow support for batch editing. Note: Previous pump curve pressure model item editor URLs will not work.
# 5.12.5 Release
March 22, 2021
- Moved two plots from Gradient View to overview page in Pump Curve Pressure Models.
- Updated selection labels to include stageNum, in PCPM overview page.
- Added initial decline factor on the compare table in Type Curve Compare App.
- Rearranged Rate/Cum plots as side by side columns in Type Curve Compare App.
- Fixed a bug in the frachit well summary page where signs were flipped for offset wells in the table.
- Updated PCPM overview page to an interactive anaysis template, in order to be more consistent with other apps.
- Changed the table to a bokeh one, in PCPM overview page, moving to bokeh-based column selector, sidebar selection widget, etc.
- Removed edit modal from PCPM overview page, allowing the inputs to be edited in the main page.
- Created trigger for auto-generating groups after data load wizard task.
- Fixed a bug where ISIPs and error ranges were not appearing in Pump Curve Pressure Model Item edit.
- Fixed a bug where chart would display errors before the data was ready, by hiding the chart in Pump Curve Pressure Model Item edit.
- Updated the color and size of the inspect indicator in Petro.ai Earth to make it easier to see.
- Updated the inspect indicator values in Petro.ai Earth to only show two significant digits.
- Fixed null values in tooltips of Petro.ai Earth, in order for them to appear as "NaN", rather than a very tiny negative number.
- Changed display color for null values in Petro.ai Earth in order to better distinguish where data is present. Surfaces with null data will now show no change from default and wells with null data will show as dark gray.
- Fixed a bug that prevented users from typing 'm' in search and filters within Petro.ai Earth.
- Enabled default actions in Frac Gradient selected item list.
- Added the ability to handle piecewise linear models in the Flow Regime App. For a piecewise linear model, any model segment can be chosen to define as an onset of pseudo-boundary dominated flow.
- Made the create group button disable once the group is created for a well selection in the Flow Regime App. Making new well selection activates the button again.
- Fixed a bug where certain apps were shown as "Apps" in app dropdown menu.
# 5.11.8 Patch
March 18, 2021
- Added recommended actions for Pump Curve Pressure Model items to enhance workflow.
- Fixed format error in Pump Curve Pressure Model, in order for plots to appear.
- Updated app dropdown menu current app name to match the name of the app in the dropdown list to avoid confusion when navigating apps.
# 5.11.4 Release
March 16, 2021
- Renamed Pump Curve Pressure Model app to Pump Curve Pressure Models to better reflect where the user goes when clicking the app.
- Renamed tab title from Pump Curve Pressure Model Table to Pump Curve Pressure Models in - Pump Curve Pressure Model app in order to better reflect page content.
- Changed creation, in Pump Curve Pressure Model table, to route to the new model.
- Update text in Well Log Viewer app card and inside the app, in order to show it's under construction.
- Added Action on a well to view wells and offsets in a gun barrel
# 5.10.0 Release
March 15, 2021
- Changed text and image that are displayed, globally, for a table with no data.
- Added label to Comments hover in SWF Edit, in order to show the author of plot comments.
- Removed View button from the Frac Hit edit selected item list and set as the default action when clicking a selected object.
- Removed delete action from Wells.
- Edited Comments tab in SWF Edit, in order to have human-readable column headers.
- Added column to Comments tab in SWF Edit, in order to show the author of plot comments.
- Fixed a bug which limited filter dropdowns to 200 values.
- Updated log scale axis labels to smaller format in Forecast Scenario and Single Well Forecast to make them more readable.
- Reduced density of log scale labels in Forecast Scenario and Single Well Forecast to prevent label overlap.
- Fixed gas units that were incorrectly showing as bbl in Forecast Scenario page dropdowns and charts.
- Update clickable area and styling of Recent Work and Global App cards to improve ease of use.
# 5.9.0 Release
March 12, 2021
- Added size by Oil EUR/ft and Gas EUR/ft to gun barrel in the Frac Hit App.
- Added well-level filters to Petro.ai Earth
- Renamed Percent in Zone in the Frac Hit App to Relative Landing
- Renamed Frac Width in the Frac Hit App to Lateral Overlap
- Enabled actual and forecast lines in Single Well Forecast to be toggled on and off
- Decreased the step size of the b-factor arrows in Single Well Forecast syntax editor
- Fixed bug that required browser cache to be deleted after a new software release
- Expanded list of supported file types to the Files App
- Added Recommended Actions section and grouped Actions for all objects to improve navigation.
- Inverted color scale for well spacing in Petro.ai Earth so that closer wells look "hotter"
- Added auto-creation of well tiles for the Well Browser when new wells are loaded
- Added ability for client logo to be set in the Portal and shown on the user homepage in Petro.ai
- Fixed bug where surveys would be clipped in the Frac Hit 3D viewer
- Updated format of Forecast Scenario left panel to match other app layouts
- Added browser recommendations to the log in screen
- Renamed PetroEarth to Petro.ai Earth
- Fixed bug where gas units were not correct in Forecast Scenarios
- Added child spacing to Well Stats
- Fixed bug on Frac Hit Well Summary page that sometimes prevented wells from loading
# 5.8.0 Release
March 5, 2021
# New Features
# New Flow Regimes App
- Use a Forecast Scenario as an input and automatically detect transition from linear to boundary dominated flow
- Create groups from selections int he app
- Download results to a CSV
# Data Import Wizard
- Upload CSV of well header, monthly production, and directional surveys
- Map column names and import data
- Save column mapping for use in future imports
# Color by variables and multi-select wells in Petro.ai Earth
- Users can now color wells and surfaces by different variables
- Color wells by Oil EUR/ft, Gas EUR/ft, distance to nearest neighbor, or relative landing in interval
- Color surfaces by depth, interval thickness, Oil EUR/ft, or Gas EUR/ft
- Adjust minimum and maximum value for color scales
- Select multiple wells and launch actions using ctrl+click
- New Inspect Mode provides a tooltip with values; toggle between modes using button or the 'm' hotkey
# Updates to Frac Hit Scenarios
- Add or remove columns in the well summary table
- Added many additional column options like 3-month cum or completions intensity like proppant/ft
- VIew additional production plots including normalized time and GOR
- Fixed bug where a well would count itself as a frac hit and a sibling
- Added additional hints and explanations to Frac Hit settings
# Other Updates and Improvements
- Split probit in Forecast Scenarios by categorical variables like completion year, operator, or has parents.
- Added rate vs cum and cum vs time plots to Single Well FOrecast page and Type Curves
- Clean up review cards for ISIP picks
- Added columns for normalized performance metrics to FS Stats app (EUR/ft and IP/ft)
- Removed the All tab from the Actions dialog
- Fixed but in well stats download where production date was not being set
- Created default actions to view or edit objects from the recent work column
- Added default actions to view/edit from the selected well lists in Frac Hit and Forecast Scenarios
- Fixed bug when editing decline curve in metric units
# 5.7.0 Release
February 17, 2021
# New Features
# Stress Log Dashboard
- View surface locations of stress logs used to create the stress model
- View logs of stress vs depth
- View, delete, and manage the logs
# Updates to the Type Curve App
- Added tabs for cumulative production vs time and rate vs cumulative production
- Added legend to all plots
- Enabled lines to be toggled on/off from the legend
# Updates to the Frac Hit App
- Added column selection to well summary table allowing columns to be added or removed
- Added color-by and size-by options to gun barrel plot in the well detail view
- Color by landing interval or by parent/child/sibling
- Size by fluid/ft or proppant/ft
# Updates to Forecast Statistics
- Linked selection between bar chart and table
- Added unit labels to heat map
- Fixed bug where tooltip would display value of all layers
- Fixed bug where well summary dashboard would not open via the link in the table
# Other Updates and Improvements
- Fixed bug in well browser where filter options did not reset when new tiles are loaded
- Fixed bug where pages would not resize correctly after the filter or comments panel was closed
- Added selection to tables to facilitate copying values and pasting outside Petro.ai
- Added rate vs cumulative production plots to the SWF page
- Fixed a date formatting bug on the Production Viewer and Well Summary Viewer where dates did not render correctly
- Broke out hydrostatic pressure from Shmin, turning Shmin into a subsurface value and added hydrostatic pressure to the chart in the Treating Pressure Prediction App
- Fixed bug in ISIP auto-pick that sometimes caused stages to not have an ISIP
- Fixed bug in bokeh apps which sometimes caused the dashboard to not load
# 5.6.1 Release
February 1, 2021
# New Features
# New Treating Pressure Prediction App
- Select an existing well and stage to view treating pressure and design parameters
- Treating pressure is predicted for the stage and broken out by Shmin, friction pressure, hydrostatic pressure, and the pressure drop across perforations
- Shmin is calculated at the stage location using 3D stress model and TVD normalized by lithography
- Design variables can be updated to see the effect on treating pressure
# New Type Curve Comparison App
- Select two or more type curves to see comparisons
- Type curves are broken out by stream and plotted
- Summary table calculates the differences between EURs and decline parameters
# Other Updates and Improvements
- Increased default zoom on single well forecasts and multi-tile forecast views to show actual production data plus two years
- Minor UI changes to multi-tile decline curve views for rate vs time and cumulative production vs time cards to improve layout
- Added data model and loader for daily production that includes rates and pressures
- Added data model and loader for well logs (LAS files)
- Added legends and tooltips to plots in the Type Curve app
- Added water variables to the Forecast Statistics Dashboard
- Changed the Well Browser app from a petron app to a global app, accessible from the user home page
- Added an action to wells and groups of wells to download Well Stats as a CSV
- Added button to the Frac Hit app to download both the Well Summary Table and the Frac Hit Summary Table
- Updated the User Notification page to improve how hashtags are followed, fixed some bugs around creating and following hashtags
- Updated portal to improve layout and to better inform user about the differences between the portal and the Petro.ai application
- Fixed bug in Frac Hit app where the "+" icon in the Add Inputs menu did not navigate to the correct app
# 5.5.2 Release
January 18, 2021
# New Features
# Introducing PetroEarth
- View subsurface data in a rich 3D context
- Currently supports formation surfaces, drilling surveys, microseismic data, and simulated frac geometries
- Search for wells by name or ID and view well stats, a new collection of well summary information that includes production, reserves forecasts, completions summary, well spacing, interval classification, and parent-child relationships.
- Launch actions from PetroEarth to access other Petro.ai apps
- Configure clipping planes to show or hide formation tops
- Access PetroEarth from the user home page or from the left menu bar
- View wells or groups of wells from anywhere in Petro.ai by launching the View in PetroEarth action
# New Video Explorer App
- New global app contains useful videos on a range of Petro.ai functionality
- Search for a topic or filter by category
- New videos are added as new features are released
# New Forecast Statistics Dashboard
- New dashboard that provides additional details on a Forecast Scenario
- View parameters like EUR, EUR/ft, and b-factor on a heat map across all well locations and on a histogram
- Launched as an action on a Forecast Scenario
# New Well Summary Dashboard
- New dashboards with all the details for a well
- View well location on a map, actual production curves, well stats
- Forecast production is also plotted using the "official" decline model
- Also see every Group, Forecast Scenario, Type Curve, or Frac Hit Scenario that uses the well with links to all these items
# New Data Consumption Page
- View your current data storage
# Updated User Home Page
- New layout of the homepage provides quick access to all relevant content: Petrons, Global Actions, Activity Feed
- My Petrons list includes petrons you own or are a collaborator
# Updated Petron Overview Page
- View owners and collaborators
- As a petron owner, invite or remove collaborators
- View recent work feed, sorted by newest to oldest with actions to jump back into items
- Updated activity feed allows users to post comments directly to the feed, as well as reply and react to comments in the feed
- Update petron settings, removed approver and assignee
- Added ability to favorite petron and toggle public or private from the overview page
# Updates to ISIP App
- Added support for new packed list data model to improve performance
- Added ability to auto-pick ISIPs
- View images for all picked ISIP to quickly review picks and identify stages that need manual QC
- Normalized TVD using formation grids, grids are required now to run the ISIP app
- Added interval classification to picks
# Updates to Forecast Scenarios
- Fixed bug in FS where only a group could be used as an input. FS now accepts other FS or TC as input for use in single well comparison
- View image cards for FS results (rate vs time and rate vs cum) for quick, visual QC of all decline fits
- Added flag for “official” to designate forecasts used in well stats
# Updates to Type Curves App
- Increase max well count allowable to still see actual production “spaghetti lines” from 100 to 200
- Fixed bug where type curve normalization was not working – can now normalize by lateral length, total fluid, or total proppant
- Added an action on Forecast Scenario to use in a Type Curve Generator
# Updates to Frac Hit App
- Added flag for “official” to pull interference analysis into well stats
- Added labels to well summary table and frac hit summary table
- Adjusted the default zoom on the gun barrel to better show results
- Updated button layout on left panel to better guide users
- Added interval classification and well landing calculations
# Bug Fixes and Improvements
- Added job title to user profile in the app
- Organization admins no longer need to Auto-assign users to an environment when only one env exists for the org
- Added stress prediction API endpoint that uses stress logs to generate Shmin for use in treating pressure predictions
- Added data model and loader for microseismic data which can now be viewed in PetroEarth
- Added data model and loader for completions stage summary
- Updated loaders for well header and completions pump data idempotent
- Revised layout of comments
# 5.4.2 Patch
December 12, 2020
# Bug Fixes and Improvements
- Fixed bug that prevented cash flows from being downloaded in the Economic Development App
- Fixed bug on the Forecast Scenario Overview page so that models can be selected using the probit plot
# 5.4.1 Patch
December 2, 2020
# Bug Fixes and Improvements
- Fixed calculation error in Economic Development App where depletion as not being added back to net income
- Changed how capex and equity are input into the Economics Development App
# 5.4.0 Release
November 19, 2020
# New Features
# Updates to Frac Hit App
- Added grids to 3D view and gun barrel
- The app now classifies the landing zone and calculates the percent in zone using the grids
- Simulated frac geometries can be loaded and tied wells so that they show up in 3D view and as a 2D projection on the map
- Added auto-zoom to map
- Added high-frequency rates and pressures to production plot
# Economics Updates
- Added reset and box zoom to plots
- Changed tooltip to show nearest plotted value, not actual x,y location
- Fixed bug where cumulative values were duplicated
- Improved logic around IRR calcs to ensure a value is returned
- Changed IRR in summary table to annual value to match inputs
# Bug Fixes and Improvements
- Added new input selection component to all apps that streamline searching for and adding inputs
- Updated the Forecast Scenario overview page by removing the approval bar chart, stretching the summary table and adding more contextual information to the table
- Added auto-zoom to the map on the Forecast Scenario overview page
- Added feedback to the Price Manager input so users know if there are unsaved changed table
- Reorganized Type Curve options to clarify different ways of building the TC – actual vs forecast vs both
- Added auto-zoom to the Type Curve map
- Improved the loading speed and added table selection to the completions viewer
- Improved the loading speed and added table selection to the production viewer
- Changed how data tables render in narrow windows so that they now switch to a card view with fixed number of columns
- Created new documentation for the API that walks through building Petrons, groups, and executing tasks
- Made minor updates to the LOE dashboard to improve loading and plot formatting
# 5.3.0 Release
October 27, 2020
# New Features
# Price Manager App
- Create and manage price decks inside Petro.ai
- Easily copy/paste inputs from excel
# Lease Operating Expense (LOE) Dashboard
- View transactional data such as fixed and variable costs, realized prices, LOE/BOE
- Drill down into data by operator, field, account
# Completions Viewer
- View plots of treating pressure, slurry rate, and proppant concentration colored by stage number and normalized to stage start time
- Compare stage metrics in a summary table
# Production Viewer
- Quickly view production data for wells or groups of wells with plots, a map, and a summary table
- Access data from anywhere in Petro.ai where you see wells or groups
# Revamped Economics App
- Load prices into an economics project from the new Price Manager app
- View and edit inputs on a per-well basis to adjust NRI, WI, or price with easy copy/paste from excel
- A new input selection tool streamlines the workflow and allows users to easily search for the price decks, type curves, or forecast scenarios they need to add to the project.
# Bug Fixes and Improvements
- Updated the sort order for selected wells in the Forecast Scenario Overview page to match the sort order of selected wells in the Single Well Forecast page
- Now all tables will load with default columns that the user can adjust if needed
- Added support for third party python appliances such as Bokeh
- Updated system information page to view status of any installed python appliance
- New application log in screen to match updates to the public Petro.ai website
- Favorite petrons in the left side panel have been ordered alphabetically
# 5.2.0 Release
September 9, 2020
# New Features
# All New Navigation
- Petro.ai receives a full refresh on how users navigate through the application, making it smoother and more intuitive than ever
- The Petron header menu has been integrated into the top menu bar, giving more space to the main page
- The App Library has been converted into a drop down menu in the top bar for fast navigation
- Shortcuts now let users bookmark any page in the application and navigated directly back to the page from the left side bar menu
- A users favorite Petrons are now accessible at any time from the left side bar
- Admin options have been consolidated into a single side panel
- A user who has not uploaded a profile picture will now appear with their initials rather than a blank silhouette
- Icons to access Filters and Comments have been consolidated into the top bar menu, along with the petron facepile
- The comment panel is now closed by default
- The Forge diagnostic indicator is now only visible to admins
- User Notification side panel has been updated with new icons and a new layout
- The notification preferences have been moved to the user side panel
# Updated Type Curve Functionality
- Type curves can now be generated from actual well production, forecast production, or actual + forecast production
- The type curve overview page has been updated to show well locations and also includes a table of wells used to generate the type curves
- When using forecasts to build type curves, the user can choose to use start dates from the forecast or to auto-normalize the type curve start dates
# Bug Fixes and Improvements
- Fixed bug in selection between Forecast Scenario and Single Well Forecast page to prevent unselected models from appearing in SWF drop down list
- Wells in the SWF drop down will now always appear in ascending order by model id and scrolling left or right will maintain that order
- Added Action to Forecast Scenario to edit all decline models in SWF mode. This Action is also available from the Forecast Scenario table so a user can now directly access the SWF mode without having to go through the overview page.
- Fixed bug where an action on a single model in the Forecast Scenario would populate the SWF drop down menu with all models rather than just the selected model
- Added feedback and protection when a user tries to load too many individual models in SWF which previously generated an invalid URL
- Added protections so that API users who do not have admin privileges cannot access jobs, change app settings, or delete other users Petrons. These changes bring the same user roles that currently exist in the application to the API.
- Fix error when saving filter settings
- Updated tool tip in SWF to display the "nearest" hover point, rather than the "next" point. This will help users better compare the plots to the syntax editor.
- Updated input field in the Economics App to limit significant figures and ensure percentages are displayed as percentages rather than decimals
- Fixed 400 error in SWF when a start date was not provided. A model can now be created without a user specified start date.
- Fixed bug that required the user to hit enter before adding development wells to an Economic Project
- Fixed bug in Economics Projects where calculations would produce NaN when wells with zero remaining reserves included
- Fixed bug in Forecast Report cross plot where well label would show as "???" so that it now shows the well label (well id + well name)
- Fixed bug in SWF plots where panning could cause the y-axis to rescale and stretch
- Fixed bug where a non-admin could favorite another users petron and then be able to delete that petron from the system
- Added input selection to Economic Projects that allow users to search for and add either a Forecast Scenario or Type Curve to a project
- Fixed bug where comments made on a SWF plot would not be linked in the Activity Feed back to the SWF page
- Added support for Azure Key Vault to securely access secrets in the Jobs Manager
# 5.1.6 Patch
August 11, 2020
# Bug Fixes and Improvements
- Fixed bug in updated by records over writing other fields
# 5.1.5 Patch
August 7, 2020
# New Features
# Enhancements to Economics App
- Added a new job to assign NRI and WI to individual wells
- Support an initial investment in economics calculations including upfront CapEx or loan
- Split NGL stream into C2, C3, C4, and C5 components in production and cash flow forecasts
- Added additional plots and visuals
# Bug Fixes and Improvements
- Fixed bug where required columns would not be displayed when data table is empty
- Fixed bug where displayed columns would not follow user selection
- Improved layout of Well Browser app to explain and facilitate use
- Resolved bug in input forms that prevented text input
- Resolved bug in input forms that displayed percents as decimals
- Fixed bug where Edit option was available when more than one row selected in a data table
- Fixed bug where columns preferences would not save
- Fixed bug in Forecast Scenario batch settings where decimal points would be dropped if user inputs were too slow
- Updated Forecast Scenario batch settings so that changes are discarded unless the user clicks update
- Create button on Forecast Report now prompts the user for a name and launches the Report
- Removed unused options when copying a petron
# 5.1.4 Patch
July 31, 2020
# Bug Fixes and Improvements
- Resolved bugs related to ARIES import/export
- Resolved bugs in apply mode function of SWF
- Resolved bug in groups table where column preferences did not persist between groups
- Resolved bug in workflow states so that user actions (e.g. submittedBy or approvedBy) are properly captured for decline models
- Updated production load job to remove need for migration of collections
# 5.1.3 Patch
July 24, 2020
# Bug Fixes and Improvements
- Resolved additional bugs related to ARIES import/export
- Resolved bug in applying an imported model in SWF
- Added restrictions to file uploads to only allow specific file types
# 5.1.2 Patch
July 20, 2020
# Bug Fixes and Improvements
- Resolved a cross site scripting concern in comments
- Added a 4 hour session time-out to web application and authentication portal
- Resolved bugs related to ARIES import/export
- Fixed bug on portal related to user names
# 5.1.1 Release
July 10, 2020
# New Features
# Support for Custom Variables
- Adds support for secure variables
- Supports querying for specific providers and variables
- Searchable drop down menu to select a secure variable in the jobs manager
# Updated Jobs Manager
- New page layout for improved editing of job files, added ability to maximize editor pane to use the full screen
- Organized job templates into categories and hid several system level jobs for default view
- Renamed Jobs page to Scheduled Jobs for clarity
- Added new job statuses for "Cancelling" and "Cancelled" and updated notifications for jobs in Cancelling or Cancelled jobs
- Added protection against re-running a job before the first execution finishes
- Display job status and job run count in jobs table, not just in the results table
# Configurable User Notifications
- New page allows users to configure their in-platform and email notifications
- Define hashtags to follow and receive notifications when used throughout Petro.ai
- Receive email notifications for job failures, mentions, replies, or hashtags either immediately or in a daily digest
# Other New Features
- Made the cap on the maximum concurrent jobs adjustable in the deployment configuration
- Added Support Engineer role to standard deployments which allows users to mention, tag or directly share a link with the Petro.ai support team
- Added support for handling files which allows apps to use files as data inputs
- A group can now be split into nested subgroups from the groups app
# Bug Fixes and Improvements
- Resolve redirect through log in page on new browser tabs
- Removed link from system notifications to scheduled jobs manager
- Improved formatting of column headers in data tables
- Fixed bug where units definitions could be edited but not saved
- Made updates to system info page to display more relevant information
- Added encoding to body of API calls
- Added performance improvements to Forge reducing web traffic through out the application
- Resolved issues related to cross-site scripting on the authentication portal
- Fixed bug in bulk approval dialog of forecast scenario app where selection state not displayed
- Updated forecast models table to resolve user name rather than just user ID
- Added build progress to Forecast Scenarios overview page so users know if their job is running or queued
- Resolved issue where a user could favorite a group multiple times, creating duplicate favorites
- Added prompt to actions so that user can specify a name before launching the action
- Fixed bug where forecast models would disappear if update button clicked before making changes
- Added default and required columns to data tables
- Added additional user feedback to pages if errors occur
- Fixed bug in production migration job that prevented the job from running with a large list of wells
# 5.0.5 Patch
June 29, 2020
# New Features
# Forecast Report App
- Aggregate individual Forecast Scenarios or groups of decline models into a single view
- Use hashtags to automatically build roll-up reports
- Compare reports
# Bug Fixes and Improvements
# Updates to the data table component to resolve bugs and improve table performance
- Moved buttons in secondary actions bar to the top of the table
- Improved selection responsiveness
- Added differentiation between loading and empty table
- Corrected the visible records to match records per page criteria
- Resolved bug to make filters independent of selection
- Resolved bug where actions would be executed on cached selection rather than current selection
- Added confirmation dialog when deleting groups or records from a group
# 5.0.4 Patch
June 10, 2020
# New Features
# Economic Scenario App
- Take forecasts or type curves and builds development schedules
- Forecast costs and cash flows
- Run economic analysis
# Other New Features
- Add tiles to the well browser to support maps with large numbers of wells
- Support for ARIES import and export in Forecast Scenarios
# Bug Fixes and Improvements
- Updates to how deletes are handled by the platform
- Add indices to existing collections
- Fixed issue with clean and build forecast scenario
# 5.0.3 Release
May 28, 2020
# Initial Release
- Initial release of Petro.ai 5
- New modular architecture
- New web apps including well browser, forecast scenarios, groups, and type curves
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