# Portal Library CLI

This tool is designed to add Analysis files stored in your organizations Spotfire Library to Petro.ai Portal. Note this is not the same as the regular Petro.ai API interface.

# Getting Started

Get API key from the admin page in Petro.ai Portal. The key will consist of an App Token, and an API key. The API key will only be visible once, at the time of creation so be sure to save the key.

# Available Options

Option Description
-u, --username Spotfire Library Admin username, If no user name is provided, this tool will attempt to connect using Windows Authentication
-p, --password Password for Spotfire Library Admin Admin
-s, --server Required. Path to Spotfire Server, instance. ex: s://my-spotfire-server.com' or 'http://localhost:80'
-f, --folder Required. Folder to iterate through
-i, --appID Required. Petro.ai Portal App Id
-k, --apiKey Required. Petro.ai Portal App Key
--infolink Required. A list of accession keys for the terms you would like to tag Spotfire Infolinks with
--analysisfile Required. (Default: System.String[]) List of accession keys for the terms you would like to tag Spotfire Library Items with.
-v Get the current version
--post (Default: true) Post to Petro.ai Portal or not
--help Display this help screen.

# Examples

Sync Items in library folder to Petro.ai Portal. The folder id will start at the given folder and sync items from all subfolders.

--username "admin" --password "<admin password>" --server "app.Petro.ai Portal"
  --folder "<folder id>" --i "<api Id>"
  --k "<apikey>" [--debug="post"]
  --infolink EAI000010
  --analysisfile EAI0000102