# Introduction to the Data Model
The usage section describes the Petro Database data model and explains smart features within Petro.ai that help organizations navigate data loaded into Petro.ai. This section also shows how to load data into the PetroDatabase and how end-users can access through the API and PetroPanel.
# Identifier Management
Many collections in the PetroDatabase data model relate to the Well object. When a well is loaded to Petro.ai, a wellId field is provided and mapped to the data. This wellId is the sanctioned well identifier for the organization (API, UWI, etc.). When the well object is inserted into the database, a well identifier object is also created that contains the well’s wellId along with a unique identifier of the object, called the document id (_id).
The document id of the well object becomes the well’s PWI, or Petro Well Identifier, and is used to relate other datatypes to the well object via the core.wellIdentifier collection.
Users can also add aliases for the well that can be used as the wellId within other collections. These aliases are inserted to the core.wellIdentifiers collection and relate to the well object using the PWI. In this manner, wells can have API in the well object while other collections can use internal or other identifiers and the two objects can still be related by using the PWI.
If well-related data is loaded without a well object in the database, the data will not load to the database. If the new data is related through one of the well’s aliases, when the data is inserted into the appropriate collection and the PWI is added to the new document.
For the above reasons, Petro.ai recommends loading all wells and known well aliases before loading other datatypes.