# Jobs Catalog
This list may change per version as we include new features into the platform.
Title | Name | Requirements | Actions |
calculateSpatialInterpolation | Calculate Spatial Interpolation | Calculates an intepolated grid from XYZ points for Petro.ai | Geo Interval data (from XYZ) to operate on need to exist in Petro.ai before execution |
calculateTypeCurve | Calculate Type Curves | Calculates type curves for Petro.ai | Associated Wells need to exist in Petro.ai before execution |
calculateWellDecline | Calculate Well Declines | Calculates well declines for Petro.ai | Associated Wells need to exist in Petro.ai before execution |
loadBitRunData | Load Bit Run Data | Loads drilling bit run data into Petro.ai | Associated Wells need to exist in Petro.ai before execution |
loadCompletionDataPoints | Load Completion Data Points | Loads completion data points (Frac Van Data File)exported by a frac van vendor into Petro.ai | Associated Wells need to exist in Petro.ai before execution |
loadCompletionZones | Load Completion Zones | Loads clean stage summary information from operator into Petro.ai | Associated Wells need to exist in Petro.ai before execution |
loadDailyProduction | Load Daily Production | Loads daily production data into Petro.ai | Associated Wells need to exist in Petro.ai before execution |
loadDirectionalSurveys | Load Directional Surveys | Loads directional surveys data into Petro.ai | Associated Wells need to exist in Petro.ai before execution |
FractureNetworkLoader | Load Discrete Fracture Networks | Loads discrete fracture networks (DFN) into Petro.ai | Associated Wells need to exist in Petro.ai before execution |
loadDownholeEquipmentData | Load Downhole Equipment Data | Loads downhole equipment data (ports, clusters, packers, etc) into Petro.ai | Associated Wells need to exist in Petro.ai before execution |
loadDrillingAFECost | Load Drilling AFE Costs | Loads drilling AFE estimates and costs into Petro.ai | Associated Wells need to exist in Petro.ai before execution |
loadEconomicScenario | Load Economic Scenarios | Loads economic scenarios into Petro.ai | None |
loadGeoDataXYZ | Load GeoData XYZ | Loads XYZ file for grid data into Petro.ai | None |
loadLasFile | Load LAS File | Loads | .las file into Petro.ai |
loadLasFolder | Load LAS Folder | Loads all | .las files within a folder into Petro.ai |
MicroseismicEventLoader | Load Microseismic Event | Loads microseismic event data into Petro.ai | Associated Wells need to exist in Petro.ai before execution |
loadMonthlyProduction | Load Monthly Production | Loads monthly production data into Petro.ai | Associated Wells need to exist in Petro.ai before execution |
loadPriceScenario | Load Price Scenarios | Loads price scenario into Petro.ai | None |
loadRealTimeProduction | Load Real-Time Production | Loads real-time production data into Petro.ai | Associated Wells need to exist in Petro.ai before execution |
loadRigData | Load Rig Data | Loads flat file of high frequency rig data into Petro.ai | Associated Wells need to exist in Petro.ai before execution |
JobLoadRigHeaderLoader | Load Rig Header Data | Loads rig header data into Petro.ai | None |
loadSegYFile | Load SEG-Y File | Loads SEG-Y file for seismic data into Petro.ai | None |
loadTimeLogData | Load Time Log Data | Loads timelog data into Petro.ai | Associated Wells need to exist in Petro.ai before execution |
loadWellData | Load Well Data | Loads well data into Petro.ai | None |
loadWellIdentifiers | Load Well Identifiers | Loads flat file of well identifiers into Petro.ai and annotates them on a Well | Associated Wells need to exist in Petro.ai before execution |
migrate | Migrate Petro.ai Database Version | Migrates current Petro.ai database to the most up to date version | None |
processCompletionData | Process Completions Data | Processes and calculates completions statistics from Completions Data Points and Zones | Associated Well, Completion Data Points, Completion Zones, and Completions Job need to exist in Petro.ai before execution |
processDownholeEquipmentData | Process Downhole Equipment Data | Processes and interpolates downhole equipment location from existing locations along the wellbore | Associated Wells and Downhole Equipment need to exist in Petro.ai before execution |
processRealTimeWithDailys | Process Real Time Production with Daily Aggregations | Processes and annotates real-time production data with a day of production | Daily and Real-time Production data need to exist in Petro.ai before execution |
processRTDrillingData | Process Real-Time Drilling Data | Processes and deposit real-time drilling data into Petro.ai from a SQL database | Associated Wells need to exist in Petro.ai before execution |
processRigData | Process Rig Data | Processes and classifies drilling states and KPIs from rig data. | Associated Rig Data need to exist in Petro.ai before execution |
scoreModel | Process Score Model | Processes Scores a model on the provided data | Trained model to score against |
trainModel | Process Train Model | Processes Trains a model on the provided data | None |
processTypeCurveEconomics | Process Type Curve Economics | Processes and calculates economics for type wells and common percentiles | Associated Type Curve Models, Economic Scenarios, and Price Scenarios need to exist in Petro.ai before execution |
calcWellStats | Calculate Well Stats | Calculates and populates the Well Stats models for Petro.ai |